With online backup, there is a means to roll forward the logs to any specific point in time or to the end of the logs. 利用在线备份,就可以将日志前滚到任何特定的时间点或日志的末尾。
Note, however, that you have the option to roll forward to a given local time ( new feature) or GMT time. 但是注意,可以选择前滚到给定的本地时间(新特性)或GMT时间。
Manually determining the correct point in time to which to roll forward a database is difficult, particularly for a partitioned database. 手动地确定前滚一个数据库的正确时间点比较困难,对于分区数据库更是如此。
It will roll forward to the end of logs, to the very last transaction mode. 它会前滚到日志的末尾,达到最近的事务模式。
At this point in time roll forward will go on until users decided to halt by keying cancel. 在这一时间点上,前滚将继续,直到用户决定通过键入cancel来停止前滚。
To do a roll forward recovery in DB2 UDB, archive logging must be used. 要在DB2UDB中执行前滚恢复,必须使用归档日志记录。
To restore without losing data, you will restore from the first Sunday backup, followed by incremental backup taken on Saturday and roll forward. 要进行恢复,而又不丢失数据,那么您需要从第一个星期天备份恢复,然后恢复星期六取得的增量备份并进行前滚。
Enter appropriate values for the Roll forward to transaction date and time. 为Rollforwardtotransaction日期和时间输入适当的值。
If you choose to have archive logging, and do an online backup and roll forward recovery, you can recover to a point in time or to the end of the logs for the minimum loss of data. 如果您选择使用归档日志记录,并执行联机备份和前滚恢复,那么您可以恢复到数据丢失最少的那个时间点,或者恢复到结束日志的时候。
Note that you can restore either a full backup manually, apply the Saturday incremental backup image and roll forward. 注意,您可以手动恢复完全备份,应用星期六的增量备份映像并进行前滚。
This process reads log files during rollback, restart recovery and roll forward. 该进程在回滚、重启恢复和前滚期间读取日志文件。
Both databases provide the roll forward until a certain point in time and to the end of the logs. 两种数据库都提供了前滚到某个时间点以及前滚到日志的结束的恢复。
Roll forward to the end of logs and complete. 前滚到日志的结束,然后完成备份。
In the CLP, you will issue the following to do a restore and roll forward a table space 在CLP中,可以发出以下命令来执行恢复,并前滚表空间
These failures are handled much the same way in DB2 UDB and Oracle, by restoring either offline or online backups and using roll forward operations to recover the logs. 在DB2UDB和Oracle中,这些失败的处理方式大致是一样的,都是通过脱机或联机备份并使用前滚操作恢复日志来完成的。
Use the restore task assistant to restore the database and roll forward to a point in time before the delete statements were run. 使用恢复任务助手恢复数据库,并前滚到运行delete语句之前的时间点。
You can roll forward through the logs to a PIT of your choice. 您可以通过日志前滚到所选择的某个PIT上。
In the CLP, you will issue the following commands to do a restore and roll forward a full database. 在CLP中,您将发出下面的命令来执行恢复,并前滚整个数据库。
For Delta backup and restore, in the same scenario, you will restore each day's delta backup image ( Monday through Saturday) and roll forward to complete the recovery. 对于相同场景中的delta备份和恢复,您将恢复每天的delta备份映像(星期一到星期六),并执行前滚操作来完成恢复。
To a specific local time ( new feature)-To roll forward to a specific local timestamp. 特定的本地时间(新特性)&它会前滚到特定的本地时间戳。
To a specific GMT time-To roll forward to a specific GMT timestamp. 特定的GMT时间&它会前滚到特定的GMT时间戳。
If society were a state coach, the etiquette would be the wheels and axis on which only the coach could roll forward. 假如社会是一驾华贵的马车,那么礼仪就是马车赖以滚滚向前的轮和轴。
Roll forward occurs and you can apply subsequent transaction log backups. 将发生前滚,您可以应用后续事务日志备份。
The piecemeal restore scenario includes all three phases of restore: data copy, redo or roll forward, and undo or roll back. 段落还原方案包括还原的全部三个阶段:数据复制、重做或前滚以及撤消或后滚。
Restoring a log backup rolls forward all pages in the roll forward set. 还原日志备份将对前滚集中的所有页进行前滚。
Because log roll forward can only occur when circular logging is turned off, the streaming file data is only useful in the transaction logs when circular logging is turned off. 因为日志前滚只能发生在循环日志记录功能被关闭时,因此,只有当循环日志记录功能被关闭时,事务日志中的流文件数据才是有用的。
If the roll forward set has not been rolled forward far enough to be consistent with the database and recovery is specified, the database engine issues an error. 如果前滚集尚未前滚到与数据库保持一致的地步,并且指定了recovery,则数据库引擎将发出错误。
Restore avoids unnecessary roll forward. 还原能够避免不必要的前滚。
If a restore statement specifies filegroups, files, or pages, only these items are included in the roll forward set. 如果restore语句指定了文件组、文件或页,则前滚集中将仅包括这些项。
To start over, restore the desired file and perform the roll forward again. 若要重新开始,请再次还原所需的文件并执行前滚。